Performance Art        
Chinese Puppet Show
China National Intangible Cultural Heritage
Chinese puppet show (kuileixi, mu'ouxi, play of wooden dolls) originated from the Han Dynasty and flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties. It was included in the list of National Intangible Cultural Heritage of China.

Puppet shows are usually accompanied by the tunes of local operas and some include dialogues, song and dance. They can be divided into three forms: the rod-top puppet, the marionette or string puppet and the glove or hand puppet.

In China, the rod-top puppet is the most popular show. The puppet, less than a meter tall, is made with true-to-life features. It is raised overhead at the top of a stick by the puppeteer with one hand and manipulated its action (moving a pair of wire rods) with the other hand. The puppets generally do not show their feet. The marionette appears on stage in full view of the audience. It is operated from high above the puppet. The dress of the glove puppet is in the form of a small bag, from inside which the puppeteer's hand manipulates its postures and movements.
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