Ancient Bridge
architecture with Chinese characteristics
China has built thousands of bridges since ancient time and bridges have been part of Chinese culture. The Guangzi Bridge (广济桥, Guǎngjì Qiáo), Zhaozhou Bridge (赵州桥, Zhàozhōu Qiáo, Anji Bridge), the Luoyang Bridge (洛阳桥, Luòyāng Qiáo, Wan'an Bridge) and the Lugou Bridge (卢沟桥, Lúgōu Qiáo, Marco Polo Bridge) are the four famous ancient bridges in China. Ancient Chinese bridges can be divided into four categories: the beam, arch, cable suspension and floating bridges.

A beam bridge consists of one horizontal beam with supports on either end. Beam bridges are popular from Zhou Dynasty to Han Dynasties and in Song Dynasty. The Luoyang Bridge is the most famous one and is cultural relic under state protection. An arch bridge is a bridge with supports at each end shaped as a curved arch. The oldest arch bridge is the Zhaozhou Bridge in Hebei Province and was the world cultural relic. The Lugou Bridge in Beijing was the historical relic under state protection. Cable suspension bridges are divided into four kinds: rattan, bamboo, leather and iron chain. The Luding Iron-chain Bridge in Sichuan Province is the most exquisite one of the same type. A floating (pontoon) bridge is a bridge that floats on water, supported by barge-or-boat-like pontoons. Guangzi Bridge in Guangdong Province is a typical example of this kind and is a relic site under state protection.
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