Ancient Villages
Chinese villages with distinctive architecture and customs
In China, there are at least 100 ancient villages which have a history of about 500 years along with distinctive architecture and folk customs.

One such village is Lijiashan, named after a Li family in Shanxi Province. The village, located on the Loess Plateau (黄土高原, Huángtǔ Plateau) near the Yellow River, has more than 400 cave dwellings and dates back to around 500 years ago. Located at Yixian County, Anhui Province, Xidi and Hongcun have about 400-500 years’ history. The original residential style and features of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were preserved perfectly. Reputed as "A Living Ancient Residential Museum" by experts and tourists at home and abroad, they were listed as world cultural heritage sites by UNESCO in 2000.

Many old villages are either still unknown to the outside world, or have been destroyed for new construction projects, or are being threatened by serious damage of natural disasters.
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